
Saturday, December 24, 2011

December 24 * Jesus

Christmas is About Jesus
Today your Savior was born in David’s town. He is Christ, the Lord.
Luke 2:11

We celebrate Jesus coming at Christmas. He didn't come for Christmas, He came for us, for every day, to change us, to change the world.

How will you celebrate Jesus?

Make Jesus a birthday card. Ramblings of a Crazy Woman has some simple suggestions.

Many families make Jesus a birthday cake, something that makes a birthday party to children.

Recall how Jesus coming has changed your life, talk to your children about the things he has done.

Thank you for following along on this Countdown to Christmas, Focus on Jesus. Please share your thoughts about the posts or Christmas is About Jesus: An Advent Devotional. I hope Jesus has been more a part of your Christmas this year.

Merry Christmas!

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Friday, December 23, 2011

December 23 * Mary

Say "Yes" to God

Mary said, “I am the servant girl of the Lord. Let this happen to me as you say!”
Luke 1:38

Mary Christmas by Brian Bates is a neat Christmas song.

Read Mary's story from the Bible (Luke 2 has it). Discuss her reactions to the things that happened to her. Her heart was prepared. When the shepherds came she treasured the news. Take the time to treasure your blessings from God. You may not have much chance for quiet reflection with little ones, but reflection will still be worth while.

Not much for craft ideas...

Ornament of Mary and Jesus Under Materials on the right you can print in color or black and white.

Whit's End features Adventures in Odyssey shows. You can listen to them online. Playing a Christmas show may give you a chance to work on some last minute things for a few minutes.

How have you said "yes" to God this season?
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Thursday, December 22, 2011

December 22 * Angels

Bring News of Jesus

The angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, because I am bringing you some good news. It will be a joy to all people.”
Luke 2:10
Angels. we see lots of different pictures of angels. I think it can be easy to forget they are real. What is a Biblical picture of angels? Christian has a list of questions, brief answers, and scriptures, These can give you a starting place to learn what angels really are.

Listen for the mention of angels as you enjoy Christmas music.

Craft ideas:

Handprint Angel on A Mommy's Adventures - It follows the story idea - just scroll down.

Paper Plate Angel on The Ramblings of a Crazy Woman

Does the Good News the angel brought bring you joy this season?

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

December 21 * Shepherd

Jesus is the Good Shepherd

“I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd

gives his life for the sheep … My sheep listen to
my voice. I know them, and they follow me.”
John 10:11 & 27

Jesus our Good Shepherd. Most of us don't know much about sheep or shepherds from experience.

The Good Shepherd is a children's sermon that gives more detail about what a shepherd does.

Listen to My Voice (John 10)

I put in all the instructions for the game because the ads that were coming up on this page were not child friendly in my opinion. I think I have used this Page before so I hope you haven't had inappropriate things popping up. You may need to modify the game for your family size.

•You will need one staff. Use a long object, such as a broom handle.

To play, send three children to the front of the room. One child (who will play the Good Shepherd) will hold a staff while two others (the false shepherds) will stand beside the Good Shepherd. The three children up front will take turns calling out simple instructions such as "Jump on one foot." Children who listen to the false shepherds, or who do not listen to the Good Shepherd, will be out of the game.

Make the game easier by having adults as shepherds; make it harder by having children close their eyes.

Read more: Sunday School Shepherd & Sheep Games |

Share with your children how you hear Jesus voice, times you have followed and times you have not.

Enjoy your time together and prepare your hearts for remembering Jesus coming. Make room for Him in your heart, then there will be room in your schedule as well.

How do you make time to hear the Shepherd in this busy season?

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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

December 20 * Shepherds

Share the Good News

When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child.
Luke 2:17 (NIV)

Discuss how Jesus coming is Good News. Sharing about Jesus sometimes seems hard. Really it's just telling about our friend, Jesus. The shepherds went and told what had happened to them. Sharing about Jesus is just telling people about the good things Jesus does for us every day.

Other Ideas:

Cup And Ball Shepherd Craft makes a cute little shepherd.

Shepherd's Crook Bookmarkers are easy to make. You could write good news on them and use them for gifts tags.

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Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19 * Sheep

Jesus is the Lamb of God

He saw Jesus walking by and said, “Look, the
Lamb of God!”
John 1:36

Jesus as our sacrifice. What a wonderful gift!

Discuss this wonderful gift with your children, maybe while you try one of the activities below.

This Lamb of God wash cloth craft was designed for Easter. I think it does a good job of talking about the Lamb of God. There are printable or video instructions.

Lamb cupcakes is an edible "craft" idea.

This Paper Loop Lamb Craft is one I hadn't seen. It looks simple and cute.

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Sunday, December 18, 2011

December 18 * Stars


Jesus is The Way

Jesus answered, “I am the way. And I am the truth and the life. The only way to the Father is through me.”
John 14:6

Stars are amazing. If you can, go out and look at them. You will find the longer you spend the more you can see. Out of all those stars, because of study or prophecy the Wise Men knew one of them meant it was time for the Son of God to be born!

I just got home from a church service where we were talking about Holy Spirit. Jesus said He would send Holy Spirit to guide us and so we would never be alone. As I read over todays devotion I realize I left Him out. When we believe in Jesus and make Him our Lord, Holy Spirit comes to live in us and guide us. All the other ways I mentioned of Jesus showing us the way are true also, but Holy Spirit is always there communicating with our born again spirit.

Activity Ideas

Folding Stars - I haven't got to try these yet, but I think they are super cute, older kids could likely handle them. They are calling them wishing stars. It made me think of writing prayers or blessings in them to remember.

These popsicle stick stars are cute.

Here's a super simple 3-D stars in several color combinations. Scroll down a little way to Christmas Stars.

Turn your star gazing into more of a science lesson, or just more interesting, with information from the Hubble Site. It features a video of what you can see in December.

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Saturday, December 17, 2011

December 17 * Wise Men

Obey Jesus
 “If you love me, you will do the things I command.”
John 14:15

The Wise Men are characters in the Biblical account of Jesus first coming which are interesting to me. Finding anything that would be meaningful to young children is proving difficult. I guess that's why I chose to focus on their example of obedience and sacrifice.

Marco Polo wrote about the Magi - an article towards the bottom of the page shares an excerpt. It seems a tall tale, but lends to the historical account of their travel. The Magi, revisited


Activity Ideas
Play follow the star. Have one person be the star and all others are wise men trying to do as the star does, either in follow the leader fashion or Simon says fashion.

Our family does treasure boxes for each child for Christmas, rather than stockings. Every year I include a letter of praise and blessing personal for each of them, which is the first thing they open every Christmas.

Watch and do this "finger play" of the Wise men's story.

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Friday, December 16, 2011

December 16 * Gifts

Jesus is the Best Gift
This is how God showed his love to us: He
sent his only Son into the world to give us life
through him.
1 John 4:9

Jesus is the BEST gift. God showed His tremendous love when He gave Jesus. God gave Jesus knowing everything that would happen, and still He gave.

Discuss the things that makes Jesus the best gift.

Make today a day of wrapping presents, resist the urge to fix the children's work. They are more important than a "perfect" wrapping.

Make wrapping paper. This site has great pictures and many suggestions. Just coloring with crayons or markers works, too. Here are some more ideas and examples.

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Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 15 * Holly

Jesus Suffered for Me

That is what you were called to do. Christ suffered
for you. He gave you an example to follow. So
you should do as he did.
1 Peter 2:21

I hope your Christmas preparations are going well. Remember to focus on what is truly important, not just urgent. As Christmas gets closer, schedules get fuller and deadlines rush at us, it's harder to take time to slow down or to keep focused on Jesus. I encourage you to take a look at the family calendar and schedule in quiet time.

Look at the words to The Holly and The Ivy, talk about them. 

This craft is adorable and simple. It would make great cards or tags. Fingerprint Holly You can color fingers with markers or use ink pads (like for rubber stamps) if you don't have paint.

Holly Christmas Cookies Recipe
Make Holly Wreath Cookies - if you're like me this would mean a trip to the store, so maybe another day?

Being called to suffer, or at least be willing to is a hard concept for children. It's a hard concept for me. Let them ask questions about suffering, of any kind, even if your answer has to be "I don't really know." Then pray for those you know who are suffering and for answers to their questions.

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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14 * Candles

Share Jesus Light
"You should be a light for other people. Live so they will see the good things you do." Matthew 5:16
Jesus is the light. We can reflect the light of Jesus.

I was going to suggest making candles, but unless you already know how you would likely have to go shopping, so if making candles sounds fun do a little research and make a list. There are MANY options to choose from, including kits with everything you need. If not here are some other ideas.

Have dinner by candle light.

Discuss ways to reflect Jesus.

Make ice candle holders.

Simple Candle Holder idea.

How have you seen Jesus light shine through others?

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

December 13 * Songs

Worship Jesus

And Mary said: “My soul praises the Lord, and my heart is happy because God is my Savior.”
Luke 1:46, 47
I love to sing, Christmas carols are no exception!

Here is a short history of Christmas Carols. I love when God's people take something meant for evil and turn it for the glory of God.

Both of these sites have a long list of songs and you can click on the ones you want to hear, they are not all carols.

Listen to Christmas carols online.

This site has the lyrics while you listen to the music, but no words being sung.

As you listen talk about who is telling the story, and the message of the carol.

Write your own carol about why Christmas and Jesus coming as a baby is special to your family.

This site shares the stories behind a few carols including the Christian symbols represented in the The 12 Days of Christmas.

What is your favorite way to worship Jesus?

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Monday, December 12, 2011

December 12 * Bells

Jesus is Coming Again!
“You saw Jesus taken away from you into heaven. He will come back in the same way you saw him go.”Acts 1:11b
Bells, I love the music of bells. So I have links to a few videos, then some craft ideas, and finally a simple way to explain salvation to your children.

The Christmas Song by a handbell choir.

Handbell choir playing Carol of the Bells I like this one because the camera is on the table so you get a different view of how the bells are played.

Handbell solo by an 8th grader. Very impressive!

I would encourage checking in your area to see if there will be a handbell concert to attend this season.

Call your local Salvation Army and schedule a time to ring the bell. We do this every year with friends. The kids greeting shoppers with "Merry Christmas" brings in more donations. This link can help you find a local contact or show you how to set up a kettle online.

Make a bell.

These bell bracelets would be great to use in worship. Make a joyful noise :).

Discuss with your children how to be ready for Jesus to come again. Sometimes we complicate things and I am too often guilty of talking too much to my children. This link has a simple guide to salvation, easy as A-B-C.

Prophecies of Jesus listed with probability of happening by chance at Reasons to Believe.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

December 11 * Doves

Jesus is the Prince of Peace

A Child will be born to us. God will give a son to
us. He will be responsible for leading the people. His name will be called Wonderful Counselor, Powerful God, Father Who Lives Forever, Prince of Peace.

Isaiah 9:6

Peace, how elusive. Part of the reason I believe is because we misunderstand what peace is. We want peace to mean all is well and we have no trouble. 

Peace is the knowledge that all is well in the midst of trouble.

Peace, according to the Strong's Concordance means: well; peaceably; welfare; prosperity; safe; health; peaceable; completeness; soundness; quiet; tranquillity; contentment; friendship, and peace with God, especially in covenant relationship.

That's where our peace comes from the Prince. Prince, according to the original Greek (from the Strong's Concordance): Prince; captain; chief; ruler; governor; keeper; principal; general; lord; leader; official; commander; head; overseer; Ruler of rulers. When Jesus is indeed OUR Prince, we can be at peace. The world around us quakes and rages, but we have peace. This peace will draw the lost to their Savior.

Activity Ideas

Talk with your children about things that try to steal your peace, your faith really. If you are worried about how the bills will be paid you are not having faith in God's promise to provide your every need (Phil 4:19). After identifying some things that threaten our peace find God's promises to hold your faith and your peace.

This Sunday School lesson may be helpful in explaining the concept of how Jesus brings peace to your children.

This is a dove ornament. It's done in felt, but I think you could easily do card stock.

This ornament uses the hand for a pattern. Scroll down to "Project C". The instructions aren't real clear but the pictures show well what needs to be done.

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Saturday, December 10, 2011

December 10 * Cookies

Jesus is the Bread of Life

Then Jesus said, “I am the bread that gives life. He who comes to me will never be hungry. He who believes in me will never be thirsty.”
John 6:35

Ask your children what foods are special to them at Christmas.

Make cookies together. This can be as easy as slicing pre-made dough or as elaborate as your heart desires.

We get together with two other families every year to make gingerbread houses.

In case you're not baking here are a couple gingerbread cookies to color and decorate.

Sandpaper Gingerbread Man Ornament

Blank Gingerbread Man Pattern either for the ornament or to color

Gingerbread Girl to color

Gingerbread Boy to color

Talk about ways to "feed" on God's Word. We don't just look at food, we have to eat it. We can't just have God's Word around, or even just listen to it. We must do something to process it in such a way that we are changed by it.

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Friday, December 9, 2011

December 9 * Fruit

Jesus is the Vine
If you have a plant in your house, or live where they are still "alive" outside. cut off a leave or stalk and have your children observe it over the next few days.

Discuss what it means to be "connected" to Jesus. Use example of real relationships your children have. They are "connected" to me in the sense that I am communicating thoughts to them through my writing, but unless we talk or write there is no more connection.

Make a fruit salad.

Here's a coloring page that has nine different fruits all labeled.

Here are a few videos teaching the fruit of the Spirit.

A cute little girl recites all nine in this clip.

This one is a song by Gary Strickland.

This one was kind of odd, but I thought had really good clues for remembering the fruit.

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Thursday, December 8, 2011

The Johns Family: The Pine Tree Parable Review and GIVEAWAY

I first met The John's Family last year when she gave away my book :)
This one looks like one I would love to add to my collection!
The Johns Family: The Pine Tree Parable Review and GIVEAWAY: Looking for a wonderful book for children of all ages that teaches them the true spirit of, thinking of others, selfless...

December 8 * Christmas Lights

Jesus is the Light

Later Jesus talked to the people again. He said,
“I am the Light of the world. The person who
follows me will never live in darkness. He will
have the light that gives life.”
John 8:12

In Alaska we have lots of darkness this time of year. Lights make such a difference. Talk with your children about the difference a light makes. Arm each one with a flashlight and turn out all the lights. Then turn on one flashlight. Ask your children what difference the the light makes. Just one light brings comfort, we can see so we fell safer to move.

Do a search online or check with your local paper about where you can go see Christmas light displays. I know there's one near where I live with thousands of lights and they are set to music you can listen to on your car radio as you drive past! Going out to look at Christmas lights is one of my children's favorite Christmas activities.

As you drive you can talk about how far you can see even the smallest of light. 

Talk about the difference Jesus has made in your life.

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