Thursday, October 31, 2013

Sharing: What Do I Do WIth Halloween?

What Do I Do with Halloween?

Well, this may be more risky that saying we don’t do Santa Claus – yet here I go!
First things first. I am sharing what I know, what I do and why. I am not telling anyone else what they should do. Okay, now that that is clear you can choose from the Short Version or the Longer one.
The Short Version: Be sure people can see Jesus in whatever you choose to do or not do for Halloween. Ask about each activity: Does God receive glory for this?

The Longer Version:
Through years of Christian radio programs, Christian school and a great church youth group I have gleaned information about the roots of Halloween and the reality of the occult.I would love to include a bibliography, but I don’t have one. Maybe by next year.

Read the rest of this post.