Monday, March 18, 2013

Easter Dresses - Jesus Makes Me New

Talking to your children while engaged in an activity is a very effective way of them. Tying lessons you want them to learn to things they're doing helps them remember. This is the idea behind my devotions. I hope these additional activity ideas will give you things to do while you talk about the lesson in the devotions. I'm always adding more ideas to the Easter is About Jesus board on Pintrest, too.

Is Easter is About Jesus: Family Devotions for the Easter Season right for your family? I have some important links at the bottom of the post to help you decide.

Printable ornaments and coloring pages to match each devotion are available for sale at

Hanging the ornaments where they can be seen is an easy reminder to talk about ways to focus on Jesus. Each ornament states a way to focus on Jesus so you don’t have to remember! The verse for the devotion is on the back.

Activity Ideas

Printable patterns for cute dresses

Printable doll and clothes - boy and girl

Since the message is Jesus makes me new I thought any project that used something old, even "trash" to make something new, beautiful, or useful would be good. Here's one idea:

 Upcycled Maracas from plastic spoons - Take something old, make something new. Like Jesus did with us :)

As a parent I understand how difficult it can be to decide if a resource is right for your family. To help you decide I have posted portions of Easter is About Jesus: Family Devotions for the Easter Season. I trust they will help you with your decision. If they are helpful please let me know. Please let others know, too. I am happy to answer any questions you may have.

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